Sunday, November 22, 2015

No Boundaries: 3D Printing in Space

Imagine you are alone on an international space station and suddenly you have a huge craving for pizza. Normally you would have to wait maybe 6 months to be able to eat one, well, maybe not anymore!

You can print it, heat it and eat it!

Although this was not intended to be the future of 3D printing, such a basic whim as eating pizza can now be satisfied by astronauts anytime as long as they have the basic ink, or ingredients on board. To be able to eat pizza, they only spent USD 125,000.00, but it might still be cheaper than delivery.

This is just one thing that our NASA friends have been developing that could help and actually change the way 3D printing has been used on space stations and incoming NASA missions.  Using EBF3, or Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication, a 3D printer can print metal objects in just minutes.  If you remember our previous blog post related to a faster way to print, this is actually another example that 3D printing is only beginning and that it is starting to scratch its true potential.

Saving energy, time and waste, this can print any kind of object, tool, replacement parts or even vehicle parts that can save our space missions from emergencies and, hopefully in the near future, save millions of dollars by sending only the raw materials to space and print everything needed up there.

Just imagine having a giant 3D printer installed on the moon, where NASA engineers can print everything they need in space, without even having to physically be there.

What do you envision 3D printing being used for in space?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

3D Printing - Sexier Than Ever

Thanks to 3D printing, you can now create a bright pink Eiffel tower dildo in the comfort of your own home.

SexShop3D, A Paris-based sex toy manufacturing company is the first to sell sex toys as printable files instead of premade items.  In addition to the Eiffel Tower model, you can purchase a fire hydrant, mustache, stick shift or snail design and customize the size and color to your liking.  After designing your personalized sex toy online, the file is securely streamed directly to your printer (as opposed to being sent as a download) to avoid piracy. 

The price of such an indulgence?  The printable file costs a mere $5. Seems rather inexpensive for something that provides so much pleasure. 

If you’re hesitant about the hygiene of printing such an intimate item on your own, you can check out videos SexShop3D has created to ensure that your 3D printed sex toy is safe to use.  They recommend you hand sand your new creation with grit paper to ensure the smoothest surface possible and then spray the toy down with a silicone conformal coating.  This prevents bacteria from growing in the tiny pores that typically develop in the plastic as a result of layer-by-layer printing.  Now your new toy is ready for the bedroom!

As 3D printers become more mainstream, I’m sure we’ll begin to see other items being sold as printable files, particularly those most people are too embarrassed to purchase in public.  

Take a look at some other “sexy” things 3D printers can make including condoms, IUDs, and even vaginas!

The 7 Ways 3D Printing Is Going to Change How You Have Sex

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Euskal Herria eta 3D Imprimagailua

Euskal encounterrerako ilabete batzuk bakarrik falta direnean 3D imprimagailuari buruz hitzegitea gustatuko litzaidake.
Orain 3D imprimagailua asko erabiltzen ari da aeronautika, automobilgintza eta medikuntzan.
Medikuntzarako adibidez, ferula bat inprimatzeko (zure gorputzaren kopia perfektua) zazpi ordu behar dira, geometria eta material aldaketaren arabera. Gero bi ordu gehiago behar dira likidu espezial batean sartzeko.  
Aeronautikan Rolls Royce 3D imprimagailua  erabiltzeaz pentsatzen ari da. 3D sistema erabiliz produktu arinagoak egin lituzkete. GE Aviation 40.000 pita egingo dituzte 3D imprimagailua erabiliz.
Wohlers Associates-ek 3D inprimagailuaren industriak 6.000 millio dolar egingo dituela uste du 2017rako. 2021rako 10.800 millioi dolar kalkulatzen dituzte. Posibilitate egingarria da, urteero 10% baino gehiago igotzen ari dela kontutan hartzen badugu. Kontuan izan 1000 millioi dolarreko industria bihurtzeko 20 urte behar izan dituztela! Gauzak orain askoz azkarrago mugitzen ari dira.
Gauza garrantzitsuena prezioak asko jeitxi direla da (lehenago garestiegiak ziren kate-produkzioarentzat) eta orain dela gutxi pentsaezinak ziren gauzak ikusten ari gara.
Nafarroan BQ dugu Witbox 3D imprimagailua egiten. 1.400 euro badituzu zurea izan daiteke eta nahi duzuna inprimatu etxean. Orduan azkenean zer uste duzue izango dela 3D imprimagailuaren funtzio nagusia? Eta gehiago erabiliko duenak? Enpresek edo pertsonek?

Bideo bat uzten dut 3D imprimagailuari buruz jakiteko.

Ramon Avial

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Panorama de Clichês de impressão 3d: Fantasias para festas de Halloween

Este texto foi traduzido de uma fonte em inglês então não espere muita qualidade.  Aí vem aquela assombrada época do ano. Quinta-feira à noite e você está sozinho de novo comtemplando a possibilidade de entrar em sites escuso, porque você não aproveita a época festiva de Halloween e tenta achar uma festa a fantasia no fim de semana? As cachaçadas e confusões consequentes com certeza renderão boas histórias, mas e a $%!$! da fantasia?

Se você apareceu neste blog sem ser convidado provavelmente está sendo atraído pelo grande número de palavras do google trend, se você realmente está atrás de fantasias vou te dar um conselho de sogra:

Se você for como eu, e sempre tenta resolver seus problemas criando uma série de outros problemas... então aqui vai a minha solução, ou problema... er.... Vamos chamar de solução! Você vai imprimir sua fantasia em 3D! Nada mais prático certo sogra?

Em vez de ir no próximo quarteirão resolver o assunto de uma vez você pode: Comprar a impressora 3d, os materiais de impressão, baixar os modelos e então imprimir sua própria fantasia, simples não?

Sim! E para reforçar o sim:

Isso mesmo MR.T porque não tenho uma foto da sua velha.

Desde que as pessoas começaram a imprimir em 3d surgiram grandes possibilidades de criarem itens e roupas customizadas, e com isso surgiram terríveis quantidades de entusiastas de anime gastando salários inteiros para fazerem aquelas fantasias ridículas de cosplay que provavelmente vão deixar o
umbigo deles aparecendo do lado de fora Pelo lado bom temos mais fotos de mulheres com pouca
roupa na internet, mas não só isso, com ela veio o fenômeno de blogs de impressão 3d que viraram
verdadeiras fabricas de modelos.

Com ajuda delas você pode baixar facilmente esses modelos pelo seu computador e deixar o software da impressora 3D fazer a mágica, você pode fazer isso até com impressoras tradicionais com papel

O ponto é, se você não achou uma fantasia que você goste você pode imprimir uma.

Uma fonte interessante desses modelos é a página

De lá você consegue muitos modelos de mascaras, fantasias e outros. Eles também estão fazendo um concurso da melhor fantasia de halloween imprimida em 3d, quem sabe não aparece a cara do Donald Trump ai pelo Brasil, ou então uma destes artistas que estão sempre metidos em um escândalos sexuais, ou até do Darth Vader(essa última citação é pra atrair cliques).

Então, em vez de ficar gastando seu tempo fazendo uma confusão cortando caras em aboboras ( para o hallowen ou não :O), arriscando um ataque cardíaco fulminante por pivetes tentando imitar o trick-or-treat, porque você não vai para aquela loja de eletrônicos bem afastada em que talvez tenha uma impressora 3D ( Aham no brasil... só se  for tabajara) e nunca mias gaste seu dinheiro em fantasias
novamente. Agora você só tem que gastar com material de impressão, que se tiver no brasil, é 10 x mais caro que a roupa.

Eu gostaria de te dar mais uns sites para você procurar umas fantasias, mas você sabe usar o google né?

3D Printing Cliché Panorama: Halloween Costumes for Weekend Parties

Here comes that haunted time of the year again. It's Thursday night, you are almost ready for your big Halloween weekend parties and drunken horsing around when you realize a most crucial flaw in your plan: You forgot about a costume.

If you ended up on this blog, you were either directed by the huge amount of cliché words brought up from google trends or you are asking yourself: How can I Halloween parteeee without a costume?

If you are like me and to try to resolve one problem you end up creating a chain of other problems, I have your solution, Or problem, Or..,  errrr… let’s call It a solution... You will 3D print your costume!!! There's nothing more practical!

Instead of going to the store on the next block, you can: Buy a 3D printer, the supplies, download the models and get your own unique costume, how simple and creative right?

Right! Here is Mr. T face of approval to you decision:

And you should Mr. T, you should.

Since people have started 3D printing they have seen the amazing possibilities of making their own customized props and outfits, leading to a terrible amount of anime enthusiasts wasting scarce resources on ridiculous cosplay costumes but also transformed many blogs in factories of cool 3d models.

You can easily download these to your computer and let a 3D printer software do the magic, hell you can even fold some papers from a regular printer like this kid:

 The point is, if you do not find a costume that you like you can create one.

One interesting source for Halloween ideas is  From here you can get many different masks, costumes and other items. They also held a 3D printed Halloween costume contest.  Maybe it will feature the face of the Republican debate star Donald Trump, your favorite sex scandal suspect World Series player or even your own Darth Vader mask from Star Wars (yes this is in the top google trends).

So instead of wasting your time making a mess of your house with pumpkin carving, risking a sudden heart attack in a haunted house or facing the diabolic middle school children pulling up trick-or-treats, go to that really far away electronics store that might have a 3D printer and never spend your money on costumes again. Just on the very expensive material used for printing!

I would give you some more sites but I do not want to spoil your fun when searching them by yourself on google! Good luck!

потенциал 3д принтера

10 лет назад никто не знал о 3д принтинге. Сегодня мы можем произвести все что
вообразим с помощью этой технологии. Более того данная технология постоянно 
развивается. И самое важное что стоимость 3 д принтинга значительно уменьшилась в 
последнее года. Мы уже видели что с помощью данной технологии моно построить даже 
дом. Ранее стоимость такого дома была заоблачной но не теперь. Самая дешёвая модель 
3 д принтера который может построить дом стоит 13 тысяч долларов. 

Осознаете ли вы потенциал этой технологии? Со снижением цен применение 3 д принтеров почти безгранично. Компании могут купить принтер и сдавать его в аренду на 1 день или на любой другой строк. Какое же применение может иметь 3д принте в развивающихся странах? Что если вы можете пойти дальше чем просто строить дома? Что если строить дороги с помощью 3 д принетра? 
Согласно исследованиям мирового банка средняя стоимость 1 км дороги 1 млн долларов. 
Хотели ли бы вы что б ваше правительство направило эти деньги на другие отрасли или 
снизить налоги? Возможно британским налогоплательщикам понравилась бы эта идея. 
Особенно принимая во внимание то что британское правительство планирует потратить 
15 млрд фунтов на строительство дорог до 2020 года.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Realising the Potential of 3D Printing

Ten years ago nobody was aware of 3D printing. Now we can make almost anything that you can imagine with the help of this device. Moreover, continuous improvements are taking place. What is even more important is that the cost of 3D printing is dropping dramatically. We already know that with the help of 3D printing we can build a house.  Previously, it was extremely expensive to do so but nowadays, the cheapest model of a 3D printer that can build a private house costs 13,000 USD.

Do you realize the potential now? With such a low cost, the implications of these 3D printers are enormous. Companies may buy them and lease them out to businesses. What about implementation for low-income countries? What if you go beyond building a house and try to build roads with the help of 3D printers? According to the World Bank, the median price for a 1 km road constriction is around 1 million USD.
Would you like your government spend this money in other areas? Or to lower down taxes? Maybe British taxpayers might like this news considering that their government plans to spend £15 billion on roads by 2020.

Written by: Artem Koval


Thursday, October 22, 2015

My First 3D Printer – BQ Brings a Live Printer to IE Talent Forum!

An innovative Spanish manufacturer bringing affordable 3D printers to homes and offices in Europe is BQ. The company touts providing consumers with affordable 3D printers with large print capacity, exceptional safety features and sleek aesthetic design. Beyond 3D printing, BQ is also a key player in European smartphone, tablet and e-reader manufacturing markets.

Inline images 1
José Imedio, Engineer at BQ

The team recently visited the IE Talent Forum where they brought a working 3D printer to demonstrate its function. I was lucky enough to meet an Engineer and a Sales Manager from the BQ team who graciously showed us how the machine worked and discussed their plans for launching two more 3D printers in the near future. They even gave me the printed model after it had fully printed during the forum:

Our very own 3D printed Venus de Milo

BQ has accessible 3D printers available from as low as 249.90 €. 

For the printer offering, please visit:

Based on what I saw, these resembled more easy-bake ovens than what I imagined a real 3D printer would look like. What would you print with your very own home 3D printer?

Written by: Carol Lam and David Gomez

Sunday, October 18, 2015

3D Printers - Still cool?

Do you believe that 3D printers are still cool? We already heard so much about it, and many of us have even witnessed 3D printing in real life, so we might conclude that 3D printers used to be a great innovation, but now, they are just another thing we use.

My friends already wrote about different applications of 3D printers, how cool they are: saving life by creating human organs, and even saving the day by printing toilet paper (sounds weird? You have to read our previous blogs). Even Kanye West is afraid that 3D printers will ruin the textile market the same way the Internet ruined the music industry.

So again, is it 3D printing still thrilling?

Well I say, DEFINITELY YES. Let me try and explain why by comparing the current 3D printers to the development of mobile phones. The early mobile phones were big and clumsy, crazy expensive (only a few businessmen with cigars stuck in their mouths could afford them), and perceived as highly innovative. Then, a few years passed and suddenly phones became smaller, prices went down, and they became an integral part of our lives.

Some may say that at this point, mobile phones were just another thing we buy. I, on the other hand, claim at this point people started asking themselves what else can we do with this thing that every 10-year-old has in their back pocket? This question led to a massive wave of innovations such as early games (snake J) and apps (remember ringtone editors?). These days we have smartphones with an endless stream of applications. Can you imagine your life today without a smartphone?

So now let’s go back to 3D printers. In my view, 3D printers today are like the early generations of mobile phones. The printers are slow, expensive, big, and we don’t really know what to do with them. BUT now is the time when we should ask ourselves: “what else can we do with this thing?” and that is why 3D-printers are going to be way cooler.

By: Nir Charny