Wednesday, November 11, 2015

3D Printing - Sexier Than Ever

Thanks to 3D printing, you can now create a bright pink Eiffel tower dildo in the comfort of your own home.

SexShop3D, A Paris-based sex toy manufacturing company is the first to sell sex toys as printable files instead of premade items.  In addition to the Eiffel Tower model, you can purchase a fire hydrant, mustache, stick shift or snail design and customize the size and color to your liking.  After designing your personalized sex toy online, the file is securely streamed directly to your printer (as opposed to being sent as a download) to avoid piracy. 

The price of such an indulgence?  The printable file costs a mere $5. Seems rather inexpensive for something that provides so much pleasure. 

If you’re hesitant about the hygiene of printing such an intimate item on your own, you can check out videos SexShop3D has created to ensure that your 3D printed sex toy is safe to use.  They recommend you hand sand your new creation with grit paper to ensure the smoothest surface possible and then spray the toy down with a silicone conformal coating.  This prevents bacteria from growing in the tiny pores that typically develop in the plastic as a result of layer-by-layer printing.  Now your new toy is ready for the bedroom!

As 3D printers become more mainstream, I’m sure we’ll begin to see other items being sold as printable files, particularly those most people are too embarrassed to purchase in public.  

Take a look at some other “sexy” things 3D printers can make including condoms, IUDs, and even vaginas!

The 7 Ways 3D Printing Is Going to Change How You Have Sex

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